Your telescope will enable you to make fascinating 'tours' of the sky and study the moon, planets and stars
You will need:
- Two lenses (the optical system at the front of the telescope) and the eyepiece(the optical system used to look at the image made by the objective)
- A paper roll tube (about 1 metre long with cap)
- Black paint (without gloss)
- A knife
- Oil-paint
- Glue
-- We require a + 1 diopter lens. The diameter of the lens should be such that it fits the diameter of the tube. For the eyepiece, we will need a magnifying glass with a focal length of 2 centimetres.
-- Cut the tube along its length and open it up. Cover the inside of the tube with black paint.
-- Next, paste back the edge of the tube with glue. Paste a sheet of black paper over the joint.
-- Cut off 10 cms from the closed end of the tube. This will serve as the cap of one lense.
-- Insert the lenses at the two ends of the tube.
-- In the middle of each cap, cut a hole somewhat smaller in diameter than the lenses. Put a ring of paper around the lenses. Fix the caps at the two ends of the tube. Glue the cut out section to the tube.
-- The eyepiece lens must be installed with its convexity outwards. It is good to cover the outside of the telescope with oil paint. Take care to keep the lenses absolutely clean.
-- Your telescope is now ready. Take it out n the roof and focus on the Moon. Now focus on stars.
-- To watch the stars, the telescope should not shake. After that, it should be mounted on a revolving stand.
Some types of telescopes (you can find the names and pictures in our "club gallery"):
>>With parabolic mirror
>> Outdoor Telescope
>> Celestron Telescope
>> Galileo`s first Telescope
>> Extending Telesopes
>> Dobsonian Telescope
>> Telescope Drawing
>> Meade Telescope
>> Subaru Telescope
>> Telescope Tyres
>> Bushnell North Star Telescope
>> Unitron Telescope